Africa Wood Grow Company

Africa Wood Grow Ltd. handles various example farms and the production of seedlings. It was founded in 2010 by Daniel Muvali and Roeland Lelieveld, and it was the seed for Africa Wood Grow as a whole. AWG Ltd. started by implementing agroforestry techniques on the Kathome farm, which was a private forest at the time. This sparked the interest in agroforestry both in Kenya and The Netherlands.

As we speak, AWG Ltd. has grown and manages several example farms, similar to the Kathome farm. The example farms are meant to inspire the local farmers to adopt the same methods of agroforestry on their farms and support the farmers in the process by providing any necessary resources and infrastructure. The example farms are intended to be the center of the operation, where supplies and knowledge are available, and where farmers are welcome to mention any doubts about the practices, benefits, and potential challenges concerning agroforestry.

About the projects of Africa Wood Grow Company

Africa Wood Grow Ltd. have made several projects successful over the past years. For example, building a waterpan, watertower, and houses. Overall, AWG Ltd. mainly focuses on providing the necessary infrastructure for agroforestry projects.

The Nursery

Strategically chosen example farms have tree nurseries, where the production of young trees is handled. Here trees are grown from seeds, the seedlings are sold organizations, individuals or companies, who are willing to upscale afforestation. Due to the various employees, the nursery on the Kathome farm has the capacity of producing up to 500,000 young trees a year. The seedlings are from different species such as Melia volkensii, Vachellia tortilis, Commiphora africana, and other indigenous tree species.

“Go and be the change you wish to see in this World, I wish the World is green and healthy”

The various example farms

In 2023 AWG Ltd. established six example farms, each having its specialization or project. The example farms are of importance in providing infrastructure and resources to the local community to implement agroforestry techniques without issue. Therefore, they also serve as a knowledge hub, as they consolidate a great amount of knowledge, which is shared with the community.

Kamutei farm

Kathome farm

Umu Hill farm

Members of Africa Wood Grow Company